In 1979, Iliana V. Dimitrova participated in the V Republican Festival and Spartakiad at the Vasil Levski stadium. Iliana’s place was in block 4, row 21, place 131, this determined her exact position in the “background” of the Spartakiad. Iliana had a “background directing card”, which indicated where to sit and at what point to raise a flag with a certain color. In this way, she built a small part of the impressive mosaic images or slogans choreographed in the stands of the stadium. The preserved archive of the girl reveals to us the path from the general to the particular in this system, and their interconnection. The reproduction of the physical seat of the participant with a papier-mâché from a photocopy of the same archive reverses the dynamics particular-general and drives the wheel backwards.


“… the element’s existence does not precede the existence of the whole, it comes neither before nor after it, for the parts do not determine the pattern, but the pattern determines the parts: knowledge of the pattern and of its laws, of the set and its structure, could not possibly be derived from discrete knowledge of the elements that compose it. That means that you can look at a piece of a puzzle for three whole days, you can believe that you know all there is to know about its colouring and shape, and be no further on than when you started. The only thing that counts is the ability to link this piece to other pieces…in isolation, a puzzle piece means nothing – just an impossible question, an opaque challenge. But as soon as you have succeeded, after minutes of trial and error“ or after a prodigious half-second flash of inspiration, in fitting it into one of its neighbours, the piece disappears, ceases to exist as a piece…”

︎︎︎Georges Perec

“qu’il s’agisse d’un acte perceptif, d’un apprentissage, d’un système physiologique ou, dans le cas qui nous occupe, d’un puzzle de bois - n’est pas une somme d’éléments qu’il faudrait d’abord isoler et analyser, mais un ensemble, c’est-à-dire une forme, une structure: l’élément ne préexiste pas à l’ensemble, il n’est ni plus immédiat ni plus ancien, ce ne sont pas les éléments qui déterminent l’ensemble, mais l’ensemble qui détermine les éléments: la connaissance du tout et de ses lois, de l’ensemble et de sa structure, ne saurait être déduite de la connaissance séparée des parties qui le composent: cela veut dire qu’on peut regarder une pièce d’un puzzle pendant trois jours et croire tout savoir de sa configuration et de sa couleur sans avoir le moins du monde avancé: seule compte la possibilité de relier cette pièce à d’autres pièces... considérée isolément une pièce d’un puzzle ne veut rien dire; elle est seulement question impossible, défi opaque; mais à peine a-t-on réussi, au terme de plusieurs minutes d’essais et d’erreurs, ou en une demi-seconde prodigieusement inspirée, à la connecter à l’une de ses voisines, que la pièce disparaît, cesse d’exister en tant que pièce ”

︎︎︎Georges Perec

Radostin Sedevchev (b. 1988 in Pernik, Bulgaria) graduated from the National Art Academy in Mural Painting. He took his PhD in 2018 from the same school where he is now a Senior Assistant Professor in Mural Painting. He graduated “Close Encounters — Visual dialogues/ School4artists", the educational program for young artists of the ICA-Sofia (2017) and specialized with the University for Fine Arts (HfBK) in Dresden, Germany (2017), as well as with the Glyndwr University in Wrexham, Wales, UK (2011). His most recent solo shows were at The National Gallery, Sofia in 2021, Heerz Tooya Gallery, Veliko Tarnovo in 2019, at the ICA—Sofia Gallery in 2018, and at Vaska Emanuilova gallery, Sofia in 2017. His installations have been shown at Ostavnska Gallery, Belgrade; Swimming pool Gallery, Sofia, Rosa Stern Space, Munich, Gallery, Sofia, Sofia City Gallery, Ningbo Public Library, Goethe – Institut Bulgaria, HfBK Gallery, Dresden, Credo Bonum Gallery, Akademia Gallery, Sofia, and others.

© History in Between, 2021This project is part of the Cultural Calendar of Sofia, Ministry of Culture and Sofia History Museum.


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„История помежду“ ("Проект за музейни намеси в РИМ, София") е съвместен проект между Фондация „Изкуство – Дела и Документи“ и Регионален исторически музей, София, подкрепен Календар на културните събития на Столична Община.

History in Between (Project for interventions in the Museum, Sofia) is a collaboration between the Art Foundation - Affairs and Documents, and the Regional History Museum of Sofia. It is supported by the Calendar of Cultural Events of Sofia City.